The accumulated wisdom of a healer allows each person to choose a drug that will solve you problem of impotence in bed. Recipes potency assumes a high use of herbs in foods. It is important to Note that the folk remedy should be extended: the natural ingredients in amplifier, effect, and how to modify the duration of treatment.

Efficient the recipes increase potency
To be effective the recipes to increase the power of the words, the water infusions, alcohol tinctures, various herbal teas. Furthermore, it may be useful to use a special food-aphrodisiac, stimulating excitement on an emotional level.
Ginger drink
Ginger is one of the most famous natural stimulants. In addition, it activates the blood circulation and the synthesis of a testosterone, fight premature ejaculation, it normalizes the psychological background.
A plant that has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, and relieve urologic diseases. Combined with honey, another strong activator of a potency, a root will be the most effective means to combat erectile dysfunction.
The most popular drink ginger tea. Ready the following:
- Boil 2 liters of water;
- A fresh root, peel, finely chop and then pour the hot liquid;
- Reduce the heat, then the drink simmer for 15 minutes;
- Add a slice of lemon and a little honey;
- After consuming A glass of.
More exotic option – coffee ginger. - Bet allowed:
- Take ginger powder, cinnamon, cardamom, and rosemary;
- How to mix ingredients;
- Cook the same as regular coffee, rate – ½ teaspoon of a useful mixture in a bowl.
Tincture a calamus swamp
Plant swamp air solves a number of problems.
Receiving drugs of the plant help:
- To restore the libido;
- Stabilize the erection;
- To cope with the diseases of the genital organs and urinary system;
- Enhance blood flow to the genitals;
- To increase the vitality.
To a tincture of root herbs, you need to:
- Grind to a powder in 100 g of root;
- Pour a high quality litre of vodka;
- Insists that 2 weeks sense of place;
- Every few days shake;
- Drink 5 ml before breakfast or dinner.

Vitamin mixture
A combination, in particular, dried fruit, honey is able to overcome many of the signs of erectile dysfunction. Such mixture is very simple, at home, plus they are delicious, nutritious.
Effective meals preparation:
- A bowl of blender pour 250 ml of floral honey. There pour a 180 g dried apricots, and dried plums. Peel, 150 g is given, as well as a the parts. Grind until smooth mass. To the question in 1 tablespoon twice a day, a yogurt or a mix of sour cream;
- Mix 100 g of peeled pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cashew, peanut, given. Grind in a easy way. Daily dose – 1 tablespoon. Before a daily rate should be mixed with honey in the ratio 3:1.
Scrambled potency
Basically, recipes for potency men are a product, tinctures, however, effectively, quickly, to get an erection, you can use fried, boiled, in a special way.
Based on 3 components have a positive impact on the sexual viability:
- The eggs containing protein, the words and the substance that activates the production of testosterone;
- The onion is providing a high level of sexual hormones, increase the sensitivity of the penis and enhances micro-circulation for a test;
- Garlic strengthens the blood vessels and reduces the activity of a pathogen is a bacterial inflammation of the prostate.
Bake to an egg as follows:
- 2 onions finely cut and fry until it makes sense, Gold color;
- Add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil, smash, 3 eggs;
- Crush a few cloves of garlic, then pour an almost-ready eggs.
If necessary, you can expand the number of ingredients, adding minced meat, or sliced tomatoes. The first option makes the food abundant, a second to provide additional vitamins.
- Reception enabled horseradish
The usual Russian fuck – a plant which has beneficial effects of the words feature.
A root nutrients, which helps to improve the blood circulation, a warning, an infectious disease, normalizes the reproductive function, increases libido.
First, regular consumption of horseradish tea helps to solve the problems with potency. Cook healthy drink can be independently:
- Grind 0.5 kg roots, then pour in 1.5 liters of purified from the cold water;
- Left a meaning, a king for a week;
- At the end of the infusion, squeeze the juice of 4 small lemons;
- Add 500 g of honey bright varieties;
- Again, to insist 7 days;
- Drink, 20 grams twice daily, one hour after meals.

I love the tea
Homemade recipes love tea came to us from the ancient times. Use for cooking, as the fees are herbs separately.
Weight loss program, we recommend you to use thyme and nettle. The first involved components of a treatment of various sexual disorders, the second increases libido improves the production of the words sex hormones, stimulates the blood circulation in the genital area, increases the activity of the urogenital system.
Popular tea recipes herbal:
- Mix 2 tablespoons of thyme, nettle, peppermint, and St. John's wort;
- Pour into a thermos and pour boiling water to the brim;
- To wait 25 minutes through cheesecloth, and then a glass poured in a bowl;
- Drink three times a day with a glass of.
Useful, drink, soda
Baking soda uncle sanyi round used in the popular treatment of sexual dysfunction.
Healing properties:
- It reduces the inflammation in the pelvic area;
- The preventing diseases;
- Strengthens the immune system;
- To improve metabolism;
- Promote the blood circulation to the genitals.
In combination with milk making a drink to heal, to help cope with a potency disorder. It is necessary to heat a volume of liquid into a cup and dissolve ½ teaspoon of baking soda. A product a day, after meals.
For those who are lactose intolerant or just don't like the taste of milk, is a preparation of a sodium hydrogen carbonate with honey. The ratios – 1:3. Bee products, you need to pre-warm water bath. The question in this one teaspoon, after meals, three times a day.
Foods celery
The vegetables is often a recipes included, that the efficiency increase. Particularly good results with a treatment of a venereal diseases shows celery. This improves the composition of the sperm, increase erection, aktiviziruyutsya sexual attraction.
To stimulate the excitation it is recommended that the following prepared dishes:
- Finely 150 grams of celery, and a big ruler is legally the same essential part. Season mixture of yogurt, honey. The Question In This Breakfast;
- Equal parts, mix with a celery, given, grapes, all components are pre-crushed. Add a yogurt, or sour cream minimum percent of fat. That Eat a mixture 2 times a day.
Homemade drugs, propolis
The use of propolis, the men used to be clear that the tool is discussed, not only populist, but also qualified doctors.
The "black gold" will help you:
- To prevent the development of prostate adenoma;
- Stabilize the nervous system;
- Improves blood circulation in the pool;
- Increase the production of testosterone;
- In order to implement the prevention of infertility.
On the basis of propolis tincture is prepared in the rectal suppositories:
- 20 g of propolis crushed, put in the level three in a glass jar, then add 80 ml of pure alcohol. A place, one a week for a room without access to light. Shake 2 every day. Use 30 half-hour with a drop before each main meal. A drug dissolve in a glass of water;
- Melt 100 animal fat, using a water-bath. Add 25 g of propolis and wax, pre-shredded. Mix and then cool down the mass. Divide into small pieces, to a form of candles. Use the course for 14 days 1 night.
Water a extracts of Shilajit
Mineral products refers to the drugs have a beneficial effect on the state of the genitourinary system, blood vessels, digestive organs.
Shilajit inhibits the processes of inflammation, regeneration of the tissues, providing the people with the energy. Beneficial water infusions, to restore potency, which is prepared as follows:
- In a mortar grind 2 g of dried mummy. Powder, pour 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Come for 5 minutes, then stir to form mud. Through several layers of cheesecloth, and then pour clean water, therefore, to a 0, 5 l;
- The same number of raw stir into it three level, 500 ml water, proced a simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes;
- Pokipyatit purified water to cool down to 60 degrees. Add 5 g crushed mummies. To insist night. Filter with cheesecloth, and then diluted with water to a volume of 500 ml.
Sources of the plant material
The ability Of individual plants can indirectly affect the words libido and the erection quality was observed, even in ancient times. Increase the efficiency of a herbs is possible under certain conditions :
- high concentration of active substances (it is advisable to for certain acquire a extracts from plants in a pharmacy);
- the regular and prolonged use of;
- the lack of serious diseases, which negatively affect the efficiency.
The effect will not be, they are quick, intelligent, as for example, after inhibitors PDE-5 but without the long-term, a negative reaction to a part of the organization.
Mint stimulant of erectile function libido folk medicine proposes the following plants :
- Tribulus;
- aloe;
- St. John's wort;
- ginseng;
- thyme;
- nettle;
- licorice root;
- fireweed;
- schisandra;
- calamus;
- dodd's;
- Dubrovnik;
- hawthorn;
- Golden root;
- pine cones;
- oak bark;
- kopeechnik.

The action of the herbs, which increase intended for general hanging out promotes blood circulation, inhibits pathogens, regulation, find a endocrine, and nervous system.
Simple and effective recipes :
- 100 g of thyme, pour a glass of boiling water, to insist, to good. Drink after meals 2 times a day;
- 100 g ginseng root pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 2 days, put a fire, then a, and then 40 minutes as within. The soup is slightly cooled, add a tablespoon of honey and 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon to drink during the day after eating;
- 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh nettles (pre-pale young leaves) pour 100 ml boiling water, to insist half an hour. Drink 2 times a day for 20-25 minutes before eating.
Apiculture products
In addition to the usual honey, bees produce other useful potency products: pollen, propolis, Podmore, drone a royal jelly. An effect which only funds, made of high quality materials, so ensure that more literate private beekeepers.
Pollen − pollen fermented by who press a cell and used as food. This product is a unique quantity of bioactive elements is large (more than 200). A great Perge amount of easily digestible protein, vitamin a, vitamin B1, B6, B2, K -, A -, D -, E -, mineral salts, organic acids, enzymes, hormones and. Enough for a week, 2 teaspoon (on an empty stomach) to increase the hemoglobin, strengthens blood vessels, improves blood composition. Enhance the potential of ambrosia drinks about a work, then a break for 2 weeks.
To increase your libido the get rid of impotence will help you a drone milk (homogen owner) – "milk" the larvae of the bees-drones. In addition to a set of amino acids, vitamins, steroid hormones it contains, which are safe from the endocrine system of the man. A homogen also stimulates the libido by acting as an aphrodisiac, and is able to quickly restore erectile function, improve sperm motility.
Of course, reception of preparations based on bee products to help one improve semen, boost a potency, increase vitality, get rid of the symptoms of prostate. Since the activation of gonadal increase testosterone synthesis.